The thousand-years old guardian of the Fiemme’s culture
The sensitivity and the respect for nature of the valley’s people allows to enjoying the high quality of air and climate as well as watching the forests growing 100 hectares every year. This caring of territory has been passed on from generation to generation and finds its roots in the “Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme”, a local institution founded in the Middle Ages and taking care of the thousand-year old local traditions and culture.
The rich historical and cultural heritage of this valley is present in each single village: from the typical houses to the frescos on ancient houses’ walls, to the amazing churches and the rustic architectures.
To enrich the artistic value of the region the Historical Museum of the Alpine School of the Guardia di Finanza , the Diocesan Museum of Trento , symbols of a rich tradition and the Contemporary Art Center of Cavalese , which hosts major exhibitions on new artists of the Alpine region.